4 Ways Massage Therapy Can Help After a Car Accident

Car accidents are scary and can come with detrimental physical consequences. Massage therapy can give relief from pain and aches that result from car accidents. It is a treatment that helps you relieve pain, stress, lower your blood pressure, improve your blood circulation, encourage healing, breaking down scar tissue, and help you relax. A massage therapist offers such treatment through kneading, tapping, stroking, and rubbing the soft tissues of your body, especially surrounding your spine.


Bodywork and massage can help your aching muscles heal faster by bringing more oxygen to them. Massage therapy, however, does more than relieve muscle tension. There are several ways that massage therapy can help if you get involved in a car accident.


Treats Sprain/Strain Injuries


Sprain/Strain injuries involve the ligaments and muscles that support the body and injury to these structures can refrain you from moving. Massage therapy helps increase your range of motion, as well as your muscle strength. Relieving tension, inflammation, and tightness through a good massage allows your body to work as it once did before the car accident.


Treats Extremity Injuries


Car accidents can cause injuries to the extremities, including shoulders, arms, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles due to the impact. Massage therapists can free and unravel the structures around your joints that increase the pain from the injury. 


Massage therapy can use techniques like trigger point therapy, effleurage, muscle stripping, or myofascial release. The techniques help return balance and integrity to your joints.


Treats Whiplash


Whiplash is a neck injury that results from a rapid and forceful back and forth movement. People experience whiplash injuries from automobile accidents. Some signs and symptoms of such an injury may include pain or a reduction in the range of motions. 


Massage therapy can help you recover by increasing the amount of oxygen flowing from your body to your tissues. Deep tissue massage can relieve chronic neck aches and pain after an accident. 


Some symptoms like neck muscle tension, sore back, and shoulders can get relief through massage therapy. Increased oxygen supply to your tissues helps speed up your recovery and get rid of headaches caused by whiplash.


Reduces Swelling


Car accidents can cause your body physical trauma from impact and injury. As such, the injuries result in swellings. Your white blood cells and fluid initiate the healing of the injured site of your body, and as a result, the site swells up. 


Massages on the swollen area promote blood flow and circulation, speeding up your healing process and reducing swelling.


For more on massage therapy, contact Back and Neck Pain Centers at our offices in Seattle, Bellevue, or Tukwila, Washington. You can call (206) 233-0818, (206) 772-0088, (425) 649-9335, or (425) 243-1200 today to schedule an appointment.

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