What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do for My Body?

Do you experience frequent health symptoms such as headaches, back pain, and stress? If so, pain medications may not be the best solution for you. After all, they will not fix the underlying cause of your symptoms. There is a non-invasive and drug-free way to improve your body's physical function. 


What Is a Chiropractic Adjustment?


When your spine cannot twist and bend freely, you will have a reduced range of motion. Also, pain that can harm your quality of life will start to radiate from odd places. Chiropractic care at Back and Neck Pain Centers Chiropractic can help improve and maintain the health of your spine.

Trained chiropractors use a specialized tool or their hands to apply controlled force to a spinal joint. They use a series of therapeutic movements to realign the vertebrae in the spinal column. The aim is to improve spinal motions and the body's physical function. 


Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments to the Body


Proponents of chiropractic therapy say spinal adjustments provide many benefits. They do so without the risks, cost, hassle, and stress associated with surgery and drugs. Some of the things a chiropractic adjustment can do for you include:


Treatment and Prevention of Migraines and Tension Headaches


Many patients and experts insist that chiropractic adjustments can help reduce the severity and frequency of tension headaches and migraines. According to one study, 50 percent of respondents experienced a significant reduction in the severity of their headaches. The study further revealed that 25 percent of patients who had a chiropractic adjustment experienced a 90 percent drop in headache attacks. 


Reduced Neck and Lower Back Pain


Most people associate chiropractic care with reduced neck and lower back pain. About 80 percent of people in the U.S. experience back pain. There are medications and surgical procedures to address this problem. However, such options can be ineffective, expensive, and risky. 

A trained and experienced chiropractor can help reduce back and neck pain in a non-invasive manner. It can help relieve both mild and chronic pain while reducing medical costs.


Reduced Inflammation


Inflammation is one of the leading causes of joint problems, muscle tension, and pain. Clinical studies show that a spinal adjustment can help reduce chronic inflammation.

Chiropractic care can also help with scoliosis, sciatica, and specific neurological conditions. It can also reduce tension and pain caused by athletic activities. So, a spinal alignment or adjustment can be an excellent way to improve your overall health.

For more on chiropractic care, visit Back and Neck Pain Centers Chiropractic. We have offices in Seattle, Bellevue, and Tukwila, Washington. Call (206) 233-0818, (206) 772-0088, (425) 649-9335, or (425) 243-1200 to schedule an appointment today.

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